A recent fad belief
is that we did not go to the Moon. Claiming it was a
publicity stunt for Russia. We hope this site helps
resolve this parlor talk banter for you. .
Wasn't it all just a big hoax to win the space race?
A: If it were faked, then the implications are that not
only were the astronauts in on the conspiracy, but that
everyone else who had anything to do with Apollo would
also have had to be in on the conspiracy - trackers,
contractors, all of the university researchers all around
the world who had a sample of moonrock given to them,
etc. I can tell you from trying to lie to a girlfriend,
that that kind of lying just is not possible.
Did they just orbit earth?
A: The speed of reentry of the capsules coming back from
the Moon was on the order of 25,000 mph. The reentry
speed of capsules and the shuttle returning from Earth's
orbit is 17,600 mph. 25,000 mph is consistent with return
from lunar trips.

What about the crew?
A: The types of cancers showing up in the lunar travelers
is consistent with radiation - the kind you're exposed to
by traveling outside of the Earth's magnetic field (like
the kind you get in trans-lunar trajectories).
Are there other redundant data sources?
A: The third stage of the Saturn V impacts the Moon after
boosting the Command/Service Module & Lunar Module
towards the moon. The seismometers left from earlier
lunar missions record the impacts of the third stage.
Seismometers of that era were difficult to setup and
would have been done more easily by man than machine
(Remember there were no microprocessors back then).

Elaborate Hoax?
A: The ascent stage blast debris trajectory, documents a
lunar surface event. Impossible to reproduce on Earth.
Notice the debris shooting out in straight lines (not
arcs) in all directions. On the video, this is even more
Were the moon rocks terrestrial?
A: The rocks are older than any found on Earth by more
than a billion years (age of Earth's Moon about 4.7
billion years; oldest Earth rocks about 3.2 billion
years). Plate tectonics and weathering do not allow for
older Earth rocks. Also, the structure of some of the
Moon rocks could only have been created in impacts
(meteoric). Again, unmanned rovers would not have allowed
the amount of rock (842lbs in 6 missions), and the type
selected to be brought back without human intervention
(There were no robotic arms on the landers).

Couldn't a probe have brought back those samples?
A: The quantity of moonrocks brought back are impossible
to do without a lander/return stage with the capability
of the lunar module. And if you build such a device, why
NOT take men as part of the payload? The variety of rocks
brought back imply the necessity of humans to travel and
select from the samples at hand. (There were no robotic
arms on the landers).
Q: Are
there other redundant data sources?
A: The radio dishes receiving the signals from the
astronauts were tracking spacecraft moving on trans
lunar/trans earth flight paths.
I heard the photos were faked?
A: While it would be easy to put cement dust in a large
vacuum chamber and have someone kick it up and have it
fall back to the ground, without being suspended in some
medium like air, it is impossible to do so with a rocket
engine. The view out of the lunar module window showing
lunar dust being blasted away and then falling
immediately back to the ground without remaining
suspended would be impossible to duplicate. The rocket
exhaust would be filling up the evacuated volume with
combustion gases and the vacuum would be destroyed,
creating an atmosphere and suspending dust particles.

Any current tangible evidence?
A: There are trays of Retro Reflectors that YOU can hit
with a laser. These were used to track the Earth's
rotation. After 30 years of collecting data on "time
of flight" the Moon is moving away from the earth at
a rate of approximately one inch per year. This means
that 3 billion years ago, the tides were much higher than

Apollo 11
left the first retro reflector package in July of '69
(Located: 0.67337 Deg north latitude, and 23.47293 Deg
east longitude). The Apollo 14 and 15 mission retro
reflector packages are slightly larger than the Apollo 11
packages and therefore may give home experimenters a
couple of extra photons back into their photomultipliers
on the return trip (14 & 15 landing sites Lat &
Long available upon request).
Were those done with camera special effects?
A: Video special effects were in their infancy in the
late 60's so that faking a landing on the Moon would
probably have been more difficult than actually going
Was it all done in a sound stage?
A: The dust plume trajectory from the four wheel drive
moon rover and 1/6 gravity fall time cannot be reproduced
on Earth, let alone in a studio. Moreover, there is not a
vacuum chamber large enough to produce such a shot in the
world. The video from the rover shows astronauts hundreds
of feet away, jumping and kicking up dust.

Do you have any more physical evidence?
A: All the solder joints from mission command to the
launch pad are actually connected, nothwithstanding
soldered with military specifications. Elaborate,
is not an adequate description.
Elaborate Hoax?
A: Apollo 13 - if you're faking the Moon missions, why
come up with an emergency scenario that early in the
program that puts all subsequent flights at risk of being
canceled by Congress?
Arent There Expert Witnesses?
A: No, there are there NO legitimate
scientists that question a maned lunar landing. Unless
you count the toothless, black helicopter spotting
conspiracy nuts on the Discovery Channel?
Is the marginal evidence offered to show
this was all a hoax
compelling enough to overturn the overwhelming evidence
that it
actually occurred?
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