Asked Questions
Question: What does a Laser
beam look like?
look like extremely bright, long neon tubes that are
suspended mid-air in zero gravity. They can move very
very fast to music (note specific). They are an alien
non-natural light source. Unlike conventional or slower
moving intelligent light sources, laser light is 100% man
made coherent light, that does not exist in nature. You
will never see anything straighter on the planet.
Captivating to say the least, they will stop traffic.
Question: Can you Shoot
Beams onto a dance floor or into an audience at an event?
Answer: No, FDA regulation
prohibit such activity. All laser beams must be 10 feet
above human access. Please report any company that does
this to FDA, CDRH - Frank Mackison 1.301.594.4646 x145 or
Question: Don't we have to
have Special Insurance, FDA & FAA Federal papaerwork,
a governmental variance, fill out stacks of paper and go
through a bunch of red tape to do Laser Shows?
Answer: Yes, but you do
not see any of it. KLS will provide you with a turn key
show. You will not be aware of that side, unless you ask
to see it.
Question: Can Lasers work in
Rain, Sleet or Snow?
Answer: Yes, Providing the
Laser is in a protective enclosure. More Oft than not, it
can actually help make the show look brighter.
Question: Can a performer be
in or near a Laser effect?
but no skin can be exposed to light. They also need
horizontal separation from beam. Example is a "Laser
Cone" Interlock devices must also be used.
Question: Can you see a
Laser Beam outside in the daylight?
answer for most applications is no. However, an extremely
large Laser will be seen if performance parameters are
limited and weather conditions are correct. A very
expensive effect for minimal visual yield.
Question: Can you see a
Laser Beam inside a brightly lit Exposition Hall?
Answer: Yes, But an
Outdoor laser must be used. Also a hazer machine will be
needed to haze the room.
Question: How does a laser
Answer: Go to our "KLS Links" Page to see a wonderful site
called "Lasers, and how they work."
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Question: Can you put our
logo up in laser light?
Answer: Yes, any size
providing the projection distance is at least twice the
size needed. In other words, a 10' image will need a 20'
Question: Can you put our
logo on a cloud?
Answer:: Yes, but we get
paid whether there is weather or not. Plus the other
factor is the audience must be close to 90 degrees under
the cloud, pending it's density. If the cloud is not very
dense, the result could just be a blur from off angle.
Question: Can you put our
Logo onto trees?
Answer: Yes, but the
audience must be 90 degrees or perpendicular to the logo.
If off angle they will not see it.
Question: Can you put our
Logo onto a backdrop?
Answer: Yes, but it will
work best if the backdrop is not black. Also, If the
backdrop has folds in it, the audience must be 90 degrees
or perpendicular to the logo. If off angle they will not
see it.
Question: Can you put our
Logo onto a building?
Answer: Yes, but only
where there is no glass or windows. It will not be seen
there. If windows are present, the building must also be
closed and or policed to prevent someone from looking out
a window and expose their eyes to laser light.
Question: What are the best
surfaces for Laser Logos or graphics?
Answer: Light colors, flat
non-glossy or dull surfaces (white to med. gray best).
Question: Can you make a hologram of our
logo 3D and float in mid-air?
Answer: This question
probably comes because many people have seen special
effects such as the "Princess Leia" scene from
Star Wars. While 3D volume effects such as cones and
planes can be very exciting, but cannot produce this type
of effect. For this effect, light would somehow have to
stop in mid-air, which is impossible unless the light
hits a surface. It is impossible with today's
technologies to do a true 3D holographic mid-air
projection. But depending on the project, there are other
3D methods which may meet your goals.

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Question: Don't we have to
get: Special Pyro Insurance, a Local Permit, a State
Permit, have ATF Licenses, a TN State Exhibitors License,
a TN State Operators Certificate, Fire Inspector fees,
Storage fees, Show site Inspection, Product
demonstrations, Drawings, Stacks of paperwork and go
through a bunch of red tape to do Pyrotechnics?
Answer: Yes, but you do
not see any of it. KLS will provide you with a turn key
show. You will not be aware of that side, unless you ask
to see it. Effective May 1, 2007, statewide, it
will be a Class B Misdemeanor in TN. to use any size pyro
effect (1.4, 1.3 or Flame Effects), inside or outside,
without meeting the above requierments.
Question: What if I see a
pyro show in a high school, church, nightclub or any
overly crowded venue with no Fire Inspector present?
Answer: Attempt to talk
to the owner to make sure they have a Fireworks Permit and
a Fire Inspector present. If unsure, please call the
local police/fire dispatch and they will notify fire
authorities. In Nashville that number is 615.862.8600.
Question: Why did the Rhode
Island Club Fire Happen?
Answer: This was an
illegal display with over 40 code violations. It was a
gross negligence towards human life, law and fire codes.
Yes, lawless musicians are terrorists too. For a detailed
KLS explanation [Click Here].
Question: Can Pyro be done
Answer: Yes, 90% of
buildings can accommodate 1.4s class, (Indoor) Pyro.
Question: Can Pyro be done
Answer: Yes, we provide
1.4 class (Indoor) and 1.3 class (Outdoor aerial shells).
Our 1.4 shows can be done outside and allow you to have a
much closer proximity to your audience. As well as less
Question: Can Pyro work in
Rain, Sleet or Snow?
Answer: Yes, but under
severe wind it will not be permissible. If show is
canceled due to inclement weather, we still get paid.
Question: What happens if
the show is canceled?
Answer: For whatever
reason the local "Authority Having
Jurisdiction" cancels the show (inside or outside)
we still get paid.
Question: Can a performer be
in or near a Pyro effect?
Answer: Yes, only under
1.4 (Indoor) and the verbal consent of that performer,
and "Authority Having Jurisdiction's"
discretion. Finally, the pyro operator makes the last
call at the moment of firing based upon current stage
safety conditions. This call, will not affect payment.
Question: How far must the
Audience be from the stage for Indoor Pyro?
Answer: An Audience member
must be 15 feet from the pryo device. 25 feet for
Concussion devices.
Question: Can "Air
Bursts" Be fired above an assembled Audience?
Answer: Yes, according to
NFPA 1126 subsection 6-2.14 parameters. Local Authority
Having Jurisdiction, permission pending.
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