Effects: KABUKI
- CURTAIN DROP , , , Click here for
Nissan Video. KLS can make your entire
front curtain drop from a truss to the floor, with the
push of a key locked button. The system can also be used
to unroll a flag or backdrop. It can accept any fabric of
your choice, from 10'-200' feet wide. The system has a
manual override in case of a power loss (solenoid systems
cannot provide this crucial safegaurd).
CANNONS ,Doubled barreled air charged
cannons. With the push of a key locked button, they
launch confetti or streamers into the audience 40'-50'
(Floor or Truss Mountable).
AIR BLOWERS Single barrel Air charged
blowers. They can launch a continuous feed of confetti or
snow into the audience 35'-50' (Operator Required, Shoots
1 Lb of Confetti / Min).
CO2 BLOWERS or (video) Single or Dual barrel CO2
charged blowers. They can launch a continuous BLIZZARD of
confetti or snow into the audience 50'-100' (Operator
Required, Shoots 1 Lb of Confetti / Sec).
WALLS, POPS & DROPS ,,, , , , , , KLS can fill the audience
or stage with thousands of balloons that drop from the
ceiling or catwalk (Colors). We can also pop 3 to 5
foot balloons filled with confetti, via a wireless remote
control. Imagine the entire stage filled with a wall of
balloons that disappear, with the push of a key locked
button. The wall explodes to reveal your product, guest
speaker or band.
JETS , , , , , , , , or (video) KLS can cover your stage or
set piece with a 30-40 foot pillar of cyrogenic fog.
Great for a rocket engine simulation.

KLS can cover your stage or
set piece with a low hanging carpet of fog that flows
over the stage or room entrance. This can generate an
ethereal atmosphere.
SEARCHLIGHTS , , , or (video) Great for advertising or
gala events. KLS has searchlights that are both beautiful
in the sky as they are cosmetically aesthetic. They
rotate to produce crossing beams into the sky. Powered by
110VAC (plug in the wall). This means you can use them
inside an atrium, ballroom or arena with no noise, fire
hazard, emissions or Fire Marshal concerns. Imagine them
on each side of a stage or red carpet entrance (safe for
human interaction). They are also able to travel in
flight cases. (20"D x 20"W x 40"H, 150
WRITING . , , , , (.mov)KSay it in Lights
!!! ....
KLS has a new
advertising tool in our arsenal. This system will write
whatever you want on the side of your building wall,
banner or on most surfaces. Indoors or outdoors, clear or
rain. You can scroll text as large as you want; or
include your own logo spinning in a pseudo 3D fashion. We
use a Lime Green laser since it is the most eye catching
color to humans. This has quickly become a favorite 'add
on' with our searchlight clients. (Quicktime Player
Needed, Free Downlaod at Quicktime)
PUPPET 25' high nylon puppet with
blower fan. Great for daytime advertising.
Laser Beam
Beam Table Kozmic
Lazer Show's projector is designed to allow the operator
to program a virtual infinite array of beams, which are
bounced off of strategically placed mirrors to create
effects ranging from majestic sculptures to blistering
laser battles. This is an essential item for all shows, a
photo can be see on our technical page under "Beam
Nano Scanners
These Scanners can project moving beams and fans into the
air. They can also be used to project Text or Logos on to
a surface. They are Lime Green and use a standard 2 amp
wall outlet.
Laser Tunnel
effect is projected into free space, does not require a
screen and creates a magical scene from which automobiles
or people can be revealed. These digital tunnels can
range in shape from circular, square and diamonds to
customized soft drink bottles, cars or state outlines.
Scanners Scanners
are a very dramatic way to cover an area with horizontal
undulating sheets of harmonics, or random popcorn beam
effects. Excellent devices when mirror hangs are
to the tunnel, but projected vertically to highlight a
speaker or reveal a product.
over an audience, they produce five to ten beam
horizontal fans.
Flying 3D
Beams Projected
usually over an audience, it produces hundreds of complex
horizontal and vertical moving fans and beams. A
mesmerizing crowd pleaser! This is another wonderful
effect to use where mirror hangs are impractical.
180 Degree
Fan One
of the most breath taking visual effects of the 20th
century. A180 degree horizontal fan that fills the room
with thousands of colored beams.
Laser Graphic
Logos ,
Once Kozmic Lazer Show's art department programs your
logo into the computer, they can manipulate that logo
with an infinite number of possibilities, including
rotation, spins, color changes, etc., all on-site. These
can be stored for future playback. All graphic effects
can be projected onto Screens, Cellings, Buildings,
Mountains, Balloons or any reflective surface.
Lazer Show's system is designed to store multiple forms
of cell animations, which can be manipulated for
location, speed, color, etc, on-site and then also stored
for future playback.
This option comes with Kozmic Lazer Show's digital
graphics module and allows the operator to program in
messages on-site. These messages are displayed in groups
of characters which flow across the screen from right to
left, much like traditional message booths
Capabilities Kozmic Lazer
Show's current computer has an extremely powerful
software package which allows for on-site programming of
laser logos, animations and abstract patterns, giving the
producer the opportunity to manipulate size, rotation,
movement and location of each image to match film or
Imagery Kozmic
Lazer Show's computer can create almost limitless
abstract designs which can be modulated and changed to
music or simply displayed for screen fills.
flowing projected effects which look like clouds or
nebulae, provide a good background for Laser Graphics,
Video, Slides Shows or other imagery.
Either still or rotating, this effect will project
hundreds of beams or dots onto a screen, ceilling or air.
CENTERPIECES 14" high x 40sec
duration. KLS can simultaneously trigger (via an
encrypted wireless remote control system) as many table
top sparklers as you need. Great for floral arrangements
or table treatments. Creates a BIG -Oooh & Ahhh
SIGN Your Logo 4' x 8' (or
larger) 40 seconds of bright sparkling Logo. A great show
CURTAIN 40 foot wide curtain of
falling sparks from any height over 10'. ( If used
inside, the stage floor must be protected ).
SYSTEM , or (video) 40 foot wide span of 21 in
air explosions fire in a random sequence with a report,
each having a 4-6' diameter or sparks. This is a popular
effect to announce, open or close an event. ( Generally
hung off a lighting truss or stage baton. Also can be
rigged from ceiling ).
PROJECTOR These produce a 14-16'
pillar of flame that last 2.5 seconds. A stunning effect
that causes a lot of "Ooohs" from the audience
( They WILL feel the heat ).
FOUNTAINS Fountain (Gerbs) Floor
mounted, single or in a series, that produce a 8'-20'
high pillar of sparks that last from 1/4 to 20 seconds.
POTS This device produces a very
bright flash with a loud report. It lasts 1/4 second.
FLARES This device produces a very
bright ball of light. Available in several colors, (green
& red in photos).
BALLS Floor mounted, single or in
a series. They produce a 8' high mushroom cloud of smoke
and fire.
MINES Floor mounted, single or in
a series, that produce a 25'-50' high plume of stars.
SAXONS A spinning pinwheel device
that is mounted on a vertical pole or set piece. After
spinning in one direction they reverse and start again.
Nice and bright and adds movement on stage, (two silver
in photo).
FOUNTAIN FAN 3 Fountain (Gerbs) that
produce a 8'-20' pillar of sparks that last from 1/4 to
20 seconds (your choice of time and color; gold, silver,
other ) They look great as bookends on stage left &
MORTAR (video) An Extremely loud explosion
which needs local & venue clearance to ignite
indoors. minimum of 25' from audience.e
POTS A vertical explosion of
sparks that shoot upwards of 15-20' (your choice of gold
or silver) They look powerful and are great to use as a
backdrop upstage.
PYRO EFFECTS . Various Pyro Stunts.
If you do not see
the effect you are wanting, give us a call. We love to
invent things.