Laser Photos All photos are copyrighted and not transferable unless given permission in writing from Kozmic Lazer Show, L.L.C. .
U.S. Space and Rocket Center - Saturn V Launch Sequence for Gala Opening . ..
Each 'note' of the trumpets, tympani, french horns and the like, were perfectly accentuated in a live synchronous performance with the laser. The result is a visually stunning marriage between sound and light. No other special effects company to our knowledge, can read orchestral scores. This skill allows the orchestra to be creatively free without slaving to a click track. ISO Conductor - Jack Everly, publicly acknowledged KLS in a post concert lecture as being extraordinary, due to our ability to read music. . .
KLS had the distinguished honor to 'Beam Up' Chekov (Walter Koenig) . .
.Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Maestro John Morris Russell. "Thanks for a great series of concerts, the last night was perfection." . London Symphony Orchestra, Conductor - Kenneth Schermerhorn. (click on photo for article) . .
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