
KLS Video Footage

All footage is copyrighted and not transferable unless given permission in writing from Kozmic Lazer Show, L.L.C.



KLS Commercial

KLS Commercial 2007 - 6M




Kabuki (Curtain) Drop - Nissan 3M

Liquid CO2 - Jet Nozzles 15M


Laser & Pyro - Moulin Rouge 23M

Laser & Pyro - Country Mix 38M

Laser & Pyro - Star Wars 33M

Laser - Dixie Dreggs 6M


Pyro - Airburst Demo 3M

Pyro - Outdoor Demo A - 12M

Pyro - Outdoor Demo B - 5M

Pyro - Outdoor Demo C - 2.5M

Pyro - Mine Wall Demo 3M

Pyro - Waterfall Demo 18M

Pyro - National Anthem 16M

Pyro & FX - New Year's Eve 5M

Pyro - Stunt Men 12M

Pyro - 3-Way Fans 9M


If you would like a FREE copy of the above footage and many more clips, on a fast playing DEMO CD. Go to our "Show Form" page and fill out the request.




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