Film & Video Greetings, this page is here to help you understand the new TN. Fireworks Law, and how it applies to the TN. Film and Video community. . . This new law affects the TN. Film & Video community, in that if there is 1 person on the set who is not working (e.g. a girl/friend of the talent, groupie or any observer), the State has defined them as an audience member. . . . In the past, special effects operators in TN. were able to conduct business as normal without showing proof of a "Pyrotechnic" insurance policy, nor a required license. This new law is in place to help minimize injury, with a continuing education program for all operators. Thankfully, it also gives the victim or their family some monetary relief, in the event of an accident. . Complying with this new law also prevents the Film Production company from performing an illegal event. This may not be a concern until, the event of an accident or an alert was filed about a non-permitted shoot. The law also helps distance the Production Company from the hired effects vendor. I encourage all Production Companies to play it safe and always have a two permits and a licensed operator and exhibitor present on all pyro/flame/firework shoots. If you are in doubt about who may 'show up' unannounced on location, hire a professional to procure these permits and bring the shoot into compliance. . An option to consider is; hire a TN. State licensed operator and exhibitor to do the paperwork for your 'Favorite Special Effects Guy' (in state or visiting). In this case, you would have 2 Operators on set. This is actually a safer situation in the long run. This way the "Local TN. Operator" can assist the Non-licensed 'Effects Guy'. This allows the Production Company to continue using their 'Effects Guy' and remain in compliance with the State and the Metro Fire Department. . The State currently requires 10 days for such permits. Do not wait till then to hire a professional. Permits have been procured in less time, but that is not the norm. . Kozmic Lazer Show is in full compliance with the new TN. Fireworks Law and Insurance. Patrick Sittnick (owner) also sits on the TN Fireworks Advisory Council, for the implementation of the Fireworks Law. He also teaches the Metro Fire Department Inspectors periodic pyrotechnic safety classes. . I hope this helps you understand the new fireworks Law and gives you a clear overview. Feel free to call KLS with any questions. Please feel free to pass this on to whomever you think may benefit from this information. |
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